Forgeries and Plagiarism in University of the Punjab,
Lahore, Pakistan

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The University of the Punjab is the oldest and the largest University of Pakistan and has played a leading role in higher education and research in the country. Nowadays, the faculty of University of the Punjab is struggling to wriggle out of the allegations of plagiarism. University of the Punjab in particular and higher educational institutions in general are grabbed in the clutches of mafia who do not hesitate doing illegal actions like tempering the record, plagiarism and forgery to achieve their ends, labeling false and shameful allegations against others to conceal their own sins. Many members of this mafia have been caught red handed involved in amoral activities and against many inquiries were initiated but left in between under pressure from their sponsors.

The purpose of this website is to expose the forgeries like plagiarism and tempering of documents made by some of the senior officials of university and to enable university teachers and researchers to defend themselves from the allegations of plagiarism on solid and defendable grounds particularly those who are victimized and intimidated on false and fabricated allegations by the rivals. Everyone knows that plagiarism is something to be avoided, but not everyone is sure exactly what it is. Many people think of plagiarism as copying another’s work, or borrowing someone else’s original ideas. But terms like “copying” and “borrowing” can disguise the seriousness of the offense. For more information about term "Plagiarism", please visit Definition page.

Many teachers and so called researchers of this gang are involved in forgery and plagiarism as most of their research work is based on students’ research projects and assignments submitted to them. These professors publish students’ works without giving them credit and without the permission of the authorities. This act is highly unethical, where an author of the thesis has not been given any acknowledgment of their hard work. It has been observed that teachers and students are discriminated and blamed for cheating and plagiarism by the rival factions.

Here are few prominent forgerers who are considered "Forgery Masters"

In formulation of committees for inquiry in to various matters, vice chancellor’s friends Dr. Jamil Anwar, Dr. Saeed Ahmad Nagra, Hafiz. Muhammafd Iqbal and Dr. Shaukat Ali () are most wanted and are in every committee. They know what is wanted and prepare report accordingly.

For the time being we will be giving information regarding malpractices, forgeries, curruptions of above metioned culprits. Later on we will add forgeries and curroptions of other members and associates of this mafia.


Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran

Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran is the present Vice Chancellor University of the Punjab. From the day of his appointment as VC, University of the Punjab is in the clutches of his comrades Prof. Dr. Najma Najam, Prof. Dr. Mujahid Mansoori, Prof. Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi , Prof. Dr. Shaukat Ali etc. Dr. Mujahid Kamran is known as "Forger" and "Political Blackmailer" With the blessing of Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman (Chairman H.E.C), Dr. Sohail H. Naqvi (Executive Director  H.E.C) and sheltered by Begd. (rtd) Ijaz Shah (Former I.B Head), present Vice Chancellor is bent upon ruining the peace of the University of the Punjab.

His competency can be judged that he was dropped in M. Phill (Physics) programe at Quaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad in 1972.

Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran is also involved in serious forgeries like tempering and producing fake documents to gain illegal benefits. He illegally promote his wife Prof. Dr. Najma Najam to Professor Meritorious despite of the fact that she is still in active service (Visit University of the Punjab website). Using political influence is a common negativity of this gang.

Following news is a reflection of greed, victimization and illegal use of political influence.

News in Daily Jang ( 07 October 2008 )

There were some serious objections and resentment upon his selection by the Chancellor's office, Department teachers and Punjab University Academic Staff Association.

Copy of letter to Chancellor's Office pointing the objections raised in syndicate meeting

Present V.C 's Acadamic Career (News cuttings from various Newspapers)

Amroz 08-Dec-1990

Frontier Post 07-Dec-1990

Frontier Post 08-Dec-1990

Frontier Post 10-Dec-1990

Frontier Post 13-Dec-1990

Frontier Post 16-Dec-1990

Jang 10-Dec-1990

Mashraq 08-Dec-1990

Mashraq 16-Dec-1990

Muslim 08-Dec-1990


Nation 08-Dec-1990

Nawa-i-Waqt 08-Dec-1990

Nawa-i-Waqt 16-Dec-1990

The Pakistan Times 06-Dec-1990

The Pakistan Times 10-Dec-1990

He and his companions are the pioneers of Plagiarism in the University of the Punjab.  Some facts of Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran's plagiarism are as follow.

view the newspaper copy of above mentioned article

Plagiarized article without references

1. LANDAU: A Great Physicist and Teacher by Anna Livanova published in 1980 (Annexure-I)

2. Men of Physics: L. D. Landau by D. Ter Haar published in 1965 (Annexure-II)

Annexure of Article 1

There is another article that was plagarized from a book "Rutherford, Simple Genius"

Article plagiarized from book: “Rutherford, Simple Genius”

Here are some of the facts that indicate how darely Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran violates law and misuse position to achieve his ends vide Tenure Track System rules.

A teacher to be placed on Tenure Track System must have fifteen (15) research publications at which at least five research publications during the last five years. Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran and his wife Prof. Dr. Najma Najam have no publication since last five years. Infect Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamranhas has no publication after 1995, but has got tenure track facility.

According to University Selection Board Rules, No appointee allowed to sit in selection board.  Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran is so greedy that that he chaired Selection Board meeting to avail Tenure Track System.

Dr Mujahid kamran illegally appointed unlimited teachers and employes bypassing the university rules including the appointment of his cousion Dr. mansoor sarwar. Government agancies failed to take the notice of such illegal activities

Dr. Mujahid Kamran granted illegal tenders bypassing all the university rules and regulations and oblidged his cronies and relatives and using his emergency powers witout any solid reasons

Another illegal beneficiary of this scheme is his wife Prof. Dr. Najma Najam, who otherwise is ineligible for Tenure Track System as no person can avail this facility at least one year before retirement. Prof. Dr. Najma Najam has retired in March 2009. She has been given facility of Tenure Track with twelve (12) advance increments against all rules and norms. (Tenure Track System allow four increments). On the eve of Prof. Dr. Najma Najam retirement, she was given a pleasent gift by having another wife Ms. Shazia Qurashi by Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran (Step mother for his grown up children).

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Prof. Dr. Najma Najam

Prof. Dr. Najma Najam is current Vice-Chancellor, Karakuram International University, Gilgit, Ex. Vice-Chancellor of Fatima Jinnah Woman University, Rawalpindi and former Director External Linkages, University of the Punjab, Lahore) and also first wife of Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran. She is involved in forgeries of serious kind. She was promoted to Professor Meritorious by her husband Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran despite of the fact that she was at that time in active service. She with the help of her husband was involved in tempering of official documents, producing fake documents to gain illegal benefits like" leave with pay" as well as various scholarships. Following are some facts of her forgeries.

Letter by Registrar pointing a tempering in official letter(1982)

Service Book Pages

Following are some facts of Prof. Dr. Najma Najam's financial forgeries in Center for Clinical Psychology, University of the Punjab.

Audit Report for Center for Clinical Psychology

Dowload Audit Report

Following are some facts of Prof. Dr. Najma Najam's financial forgeries in Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi.

Audit Report of Fatima Jinnah Women University

Dowload Audit Report

In addition to academic and financial malpractices, Prof. Dr. Najma Najam has come to rescue of her group giving illegal benefits. Among the illegal beneficiaries are Umniya Khan and Sadia, who were removed from service of the University of the Punjab because of inefficiency/dicipline, were recruited on contract in the Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi. Within a period of six months, Umniya Khan was awarded scholarship with the active collaboration of Dr. Sohail H. Naqvi (Executive Director  H.E.C) and was sent abroad within few months of their appointment. Dr Sohail Naqvi even knowing the malpractices of Dr najma najam facilitated her and placed in various committes to fulfill his desires.

On the eve of retirement, she was given a gift by having another wife Ms. Shazia Qurashi by Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran.

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Prof (Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi

Another case of forgery (plagiarism) is Prof(Rtd) Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi . Almost all of her research articles are taken from students work without recognizing them. She has shown herself a sole Auther/writer of all thesis. Saveral complaints about Prof. Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi's plagiarism had already been made to the H.E.C through Executive Director Dr. Sohail H. Naqvi but no action has been initiated by the Higher Education Commission against her. According to Daily Dawn dated March 1, 2008 "Her entire work is based on students research/dissertations, undertaken during their academic years as practical assignments and which are being published by her without acknowledging the students’ efforts and without the permission of the department to bag high research claims. Some facts of Prof. Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi's plagiarism are as follow.

Aalia Shah studied at the Psychology Department during 1996-1998 session. Prof(Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi had supervised her M.Sc thesis titled “Pre-post evaluation of depression and anxiety in patients undergoing mastectomy and hysterectomy”. On the basis of that thesis Aalia Shah was awarded degree of M.Sc. Prof(Rtd) Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi published the her research into journals under the title “Depression and anxiety in mastectomy cases” in Illness,Crisis and Loss Vol. 13(3) 267-278, 2005 and “Depression and anxiety in patients undergoing hysterectomy” in Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society Jan 2005; 2(1): 13 without acknowledging Aalia Shah's contribution. As goes the established rules in research, the work that primarily belonged to Alia Shah should have written her name as the first author of this paper or have due citation of her M.Sc thesis. View the complaint to Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences

Prof. Dr. Yasmin N. Farooqi's Papers
Original Thesis and Research Paper

Depression and Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Hysterectomy
(pdf copy)
(Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society; 2(1): 13)

Depression and Anxiety in Mastectomy Cases
(pdf copy)
(Illness, Crisis and Loss Vol. 13(3) 267-278, 2005)

Thesis by Aalia Shah (1998)
(View online copy)

Download pdf file of Aalia Shah's thesis
(pdf copy)

These papers were presented by Prof(Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi in following conferences as her own research papers.

Depression and Anxiety in the hysterectomy Cases.

National Conference on Role of Psychology in Socio-Economic Development of Pakistan. National Institute of Psychology. Center of Excellence. Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. ( 2004)

Depression and Anxiety in Mastectomy Cases

International Social Sciences Conference. Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. (2004)

Depression and Anxiety in Mastectomy Cases

Second International Congress on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry- Trauma Psychology. Tehran, Iran. (2005)

The complainer has made complaints to the H.E.C and Vice Chancellor's office. But the matter was concealed.

Aalia Shah's complaint to Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab

Aalia Shah's complaint to H.E.C officials

News in Daily Dawn (01-06-2008)

Aalia Shah's mail to Daily Dawn's Editor (09-01-2008)

Prof(Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi has replicated the results findings of her student Naima Yasmeen's thesis “Study of Causes of Domestic Violence as Experienced by the Married Women from Da-ul-Aman, Lahore” (1992-93) in to her publication “Domestic Violence and Pakistani Women” published in Journal of Research (Humanities). Vol : XXV, No.2, pp.71-82 . The scale developed by student for her thesis, frequencies, percentages and results have been copied from Miss Naima Tahseen’s master thesis.

Domestic Violence and Pakistani Women
(Journal of Research (Humanities). Vol : XXV, No.2, pp.71-82)

Another student Ms. Safia Mahr had stated in a letter that Prof(Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi did not return the copy of her thesis and furthermore got an undertaking from her that she had worked on Dr Yasmin Farooqi's project.

Copy of Safia Mahr's Letter

Ms. Nayla Maqsood had stated in her ‘undertaking’ to the department that she had conducted her research under the supervision of Prof(Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi and she had not permitted the supervisor in writing to use her name in the paper.

Copy of Nayla Maqsood's Letter

Prof (Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Farooqi is also involved in forgery. According to an inquiry report, she was involved in bogus purchase of books out of Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.

Copy of Inquiry Report

Inspite of all the the proves both documentary and circumstancial evidences, Dr. Jameel Anwar (Current PVC, University of the Punjab) submitted a fake report to Chancellors's office and thus protected Prof(Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi's already proven plagiarism.

Copy of Inquiry Report

Prof(Rtd). Dr. Yasmin Nilofer Farooqi is well known and notorious figure among the university population for her negativity, rudeness, habit of shouting and victimization. Because of indifferent behavior and non-compliance with the administration she, various times,  was shifted from one department to another ( I.E.R, Sociology, Women Studies, Special Education etc), she created fuss everywhere. There also she was unable to comply with the authorities due to which she was sent back to parent department after receiving reports from inquiry committees and her written assurance /agreement to comply with the department authorities as well as colleagues. But she never kept her promise Because of her indifferent behavior, previous V.C hesitated to give her any responsibility. Present V.C favoured her and appointed as acting chairperson of dept of Psychology where she played havoc, terminated a number of employee and penalized many others withholding their salaries. One of her colleagueand student Ms. Fatima Kamran (Lecturer and well known Clinical Psychologist) also suggests her complete mental examination from any well reputed Mental hospital or psychiatrist. Number of complains were made against her attitude with faculty, students and employees. Some of thenm are as follow.

Click here to view Copy of Complaint by Faculty

Click here to view Copy of Complaint by Employees

Click here to view Copy of Registrar Order

In an interview to Daily Dawn (published in February 8, 2007) Registrar, University of the Punjab Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan declared her emotionally unstable. He said "the complainant in this case was “emotionally unstable” and did not enjoy good working relations with any colleague or student. He said the university administration was receiving complaints against her for the last two years."

She was appointed as an Acting Chairperson of Department of Psychology & Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab where she played havoc, terminated and penalized number of employees, faculty members and students. She is a notorious personality in University of the Punjab because of her immature attitude.

Despite her clear plagiarism, she was cleared by an inquiry committee formed by present VC. She was then nominated by present VC for Presidential Award as a bribe/reward to keep her mouth shut.
What a shame and humiliation for Pakistan.

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Prof. Dr. Shaukat Ali

Prof. Dr. Shaukat Ali is an important member of kitchen cabinet of Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran.  He has been accused of tempering his date of birth in secondary school certificate. An inquiry was conducted against him in which it was found that he is a sole beneficiary of the forgery in order to obtain bogus certificate.  But the report was postponed after extreme pressure  from Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran.

Original Certificate (1954)

Forged/Bogus Certificate (showing date of birth year 1959)

Lahore Board inquiry committee headed by Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad already approved this forgery and report to secretory higher education Govt of Punjab Lahore. Action is still awaited.

Copy of Report By Lahore Board Inquiry Committee

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Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kausar

Another beneficiary is Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kausar (current Chairperson and Professor, Department of Psychology and Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore). In past, she was removed from the chairpersonship of Department when caught red handed in amoral activities.

View copy of Inquiry report

She took away departmental records and files and the matter is still pending for inquiry. She was immediately taken on deputation to Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi and has been brought back to University of the Punjab when her benefactor returned.

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